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Djoko Setijono MSc PhD

Djoko Setijono MSc PhDE-Mail: djoko_setijono[aT]

Djoko Setijono held a MSc degree in Management of Production from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and a PhD degree in Industrial Production System from Linnaeus University also in Sweden. He has gained academic experiences from various universities in Sweden as well as being sponsored researcher at University of Strathclyde in UK. His papers have been published in various academic journals including International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, TQM Journal, International Journal of Productivity & Quality Management, International Journal of Quality and Innovation, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, and International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Dr. Setijono has often been invited to review papers for scientific journals including International Journal of Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Industrial Marketing Management, Strategic Outsourcing: an International Journal, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. He can be contacted at:

Daftar Buku

Jumlah buku:3

1. Perspectives on Value Innovation, Six Sigma, Strategic Flexibility, and Ambidexterity
Perspectives on Value Innovation, Six Sigma, Strategic Flexibility, and AmbidexterityThe first paper of the book describes the driving factors of value innovation in the property sector and hotel industry, as well as the constellation formed by these actors to create and appropriate value. The second and third papers contain further development of six sigma’s market-oriented performance measures (in terms of “critical to” approach and the use of advanced normalization technique) and how those have been applied in the service (transport) industry to measure and benchmark the perf

2. LEAN CONSUMPTION; Concept Developments and Applications
LEAN CONSUMPTION; Concept Developments and ApplicationsOne of the originators of Lean Thinking stated that the biggest challenge of Lean is not in the factory floor, but the world beyond. Series of quality problems faced by the automotive sector proved that such statement is difficult to be denied. In the middle of economic downturn, Lean has the potential to be the most effective method to improve the competitiveness of corporations. This book contains thoughts, developments, and applications of Lean Consumption. As the complement of Lean Productio

3. Lean Konsumsi: Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Berdasarkan Penelitian
Lean Konsumsi: Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Berdasarkan PenelitianSalah satu pencetus Lean Thinking menyatakan bahwa tantangan terbesar konsep Lean bukanlah di lantai pabrik tetapi di dunia luar itu. Permasalahan kualitas yang bertubi-tubi dihadapi oleh sektor otomotif membuktikan bahwa pernyataan tersebut sulit disanggah. Di tengah kelesuan ekonomi saat ini, konsep Lean berpeluang besar menjadi alat yang efektif untuk meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan. Buku ini berisi pemikiran dan pengembangan konsep Lean berdasarkan riset. Sebagai konsep pelengkap Lean Pro

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