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Polymer Science, RO Polyamide (PA) Composite Membrane

Penulis: Dra.Endang Katmiwati, M.Eng., Kategori: Laporan Penelitian
Polymer Science, RO Polyamide (PA) Composite Membrane
ISBN: 978-602-225-284-9
Terbit: Februari 2012
Halaman : 84, BW : 83, Warna : 0
Harga: Rp. 40.900,00
Polymer membrane technology or membrane systems in water purification has been remarkable developed and provides a general treatment as a platform for water purification. Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a design for optimal performance and it is the most advanced and the most effective technology in drinking water system. Now, the RO water system uses the thin-film composite polyamide (PA) membrane exclusively. There are only few of good introductory textbooks and research results that focussed on polymer science and engineering, majoring in membrane potential.

This book is the result of a research about “advanced materials for water purification and study on membrane potential across reverse osmosis (RO) aromatic polyamide (PA) composite membrane”. This book describes about PA composite membrane, membrane potential, technique of experiment that used, and model of PA`s charge membrane. Besides, this book also provides many important figures, reports the  experiment data, and discusses the result of the research.

Are you interested in polymer membrane science?  I recommend you this book and start to read from the preface section.

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Produk Sejenis

  • Perkembangan Komunitas Politik
  • Mengenal Ikan Cakalang dan Potensinya Sebagai Komoditi Andalan di Indonesia
  • Agro Klimatologi
  • Mitologi Papua (Struktur, Nilai Edukasi, dan Preservasi Budaya dalam Mitos)
  • Toleransi Keruangan dalam Permukiman Padat


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