Leumeung Cinta
Penulis: Dhee Shinzy Y, Kategori: Kumpulan CerpenZoom | ISBN: 978-602-225-096-8 Terbit: September 2011 Halaman : 110, BW : 110, Warna : 0 Harga: Rp. 44.700,00 Deskripsi:
Leumeung, meskipun membawanya adalah hal yang merepotkan, tapi yang namanya leumeung menjadi oleh-oleh wajib setiap kali Khalda balik ke Bandung, kota tempatnya kuliah. Khalda sendiri tidak pernah suka dengan makanan yang terbuat dari ketan itu. Namun, demi request teman-temannya yang selalu berharap Khalda membawa leumeung, terlebih Ryan, ia bela-belain bawa leumeung jauh-jauh dari Malingping ke Bandung.
Eits, atas permintaan Ryan ternyata Khalda bukan cuma rela membawakannya leumeung, tapi juga ikut menikmatinya.
Jadi, leumeung-nya yang enak atau Ryan-nya yah?
Ada juga cerita Azzura yang bercita-cita menerbitkan novel, tapi tujuannya hanya untuk bertemu cinta pertama. Emang bisa gitu?
Lalu persahabatan Rimel dan Suci yang terpaksa berantakan gara-gara rebutan cowok pujaan. Segitu pentingkah cowok pujaan bagi Suci hingga ia membenci sahabatnya sendiri, dan membuatnya mati?
Ini hanya sebagian kisah dari 15 cerpen yang disuguhkan di antologi cerpen “Leumeung Cinta”.
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Kirim: 06-09-2013 01:35We were so blessed by Deborah's giivng heart and deep compassion. To see her lovely smile and hear her soothing lovely British accent was healing in itself. She went so far beyond of what her role called for and always had a positive anecdote to share. My children were always soothed by Nurse Crump's presence . She had the wisdom to know the homesick child many times knowing that all what was needed was a sip of cool water from a dixie cup,, a warm touch on the shoulder, and a reassuring smile. I grieve for her family and for our community's loss. http://bfiiwuetnw.com [url=http://gjdacqb.com]gjdacqb[/url] [link=http://xifxgrjid.com]xifxgrjid[/link]
Kirim: 28-08-2013 07:04As far as color I'm thinking purlpe is next on the list. As far as pattern I predict paisley is going to make a huge comeback. I also think darker, richer wood tones will come into play. I think white will become less prominent (gasp), used more as an accent and less as the dominant color. I think shabby chic has run its course for now. I still like that look, but I think it's on it's way out with people desiring richer colors in the near future. Just my humble opinion. This was a fun exercise!
Kirim: 24-08-2013 08:21This is another fine post by Mr Greer...There are a lot of hdeidn technologies that are fundamental to the current way of living, but there are 2 that are definitely my favourite: Plastics and Radio. Plastics are used in so many ways that it is utterly impossible to be in a ordinary living room of a European or American and to look in a direction where there isn't a plastic. I even suggested long ago in some talks that, if we have to use oil for something, let it be for plastics ( even if only as thermal insulants ). Radio is a backbone of communications that is very reliable and energetically cost effective and it is possibly the last reason that people will have to generate electricity after all the lamps, computers, washing machines, freezers, etc... go to the way of the junkyard. People in this age simply do not understand how a cheap and reliable communication medium is valuable, atleast until a earthquake or other natural disaster cuts it....I have to somewhat disagree with you in a point though: most likely the end of the North African bread basket has much more to do with the destruction by lack of maintenance of the terrace-based agriculture ( a very useful technique still used today in the Mediterranean Europe ( like in Portugal where I live... just search "Alto douro" in the web ), that prevents erosion at the same time that helps retaining water, a ever-present worry in dry subtropical agriculture ). This seems to had been a centuries wide process that started still in the late Roman years and that ended near the Arab conquest. It had most likely nothing to do with climate changes there ( but it is a good example of lack of maintenance of small things can lead to major disasters ).To end, there is a indispensible technology that is all but gone: wood craftmanship, especially of big trees wood. Working wood in various shapes is very dificult and it will be a sorely needed knowledge when melting metal becomes too much expensive to make all metal machines. My biggest worry about that is the transoceanic sail ships, that need trees that don't exist ( in the same way that it is impossible to make repairs to the Qheops cedar barge found near the Pyramid named after him: there are no Cedars big enough to make the pieces of the size the original had )and craftsmen that will probably have to relearn all of the art by themselfes. That alone may be enough to cut the new world from the old for some centuries, until the trees grow. In fact I read recently a study that strongly suggests that the European age of Sail was only possible to the XIV century depopulation of Europe, that allowed the growth of very large oaks and that the naval supremacy of the various european countries had much to do with the level of care they had with their large oaks ( that were fundamental to make the keels of large wooden ships in Europe ). The ones that overused their oaks, like Portugal, started to make less strong ships that more times sanked that finished trips ( if you understand Portuguese, you can read Histf3ria Tre1gico-Maritima to see that the ships were clearly badly built, overused and with bad capitains ), while England had the good sense of using their oaks in a much more phased plan and took care of not making bad ships. I fear that the lack of good wood craftmen and of good woods in acessible spots will make things much harder that they could be, because when metal parts become expensive, all the plows, ships and machinery in general are made of wood with metal in small quantities where it is really needed.Of course this are the words of the current holder of a atleast century wide wood craftsmen family in a country where the mechanical beasts were rare until maybe 40 years ago......
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